Sunday, February 1, 2015

Attributes part 2

Ma'at here. I have a very important job. I work with my husband to decide whether or not the dead should be devoured by Ammut or if they can move on to the Kingdom of Osiris. My feather is used as a reference. If the heart weighs the same, the person can move on. If the heart is heavier, Ammut eats them. It's as simple as that. I also have to keep order within the Egyptian gods. I am the ultimate judge of the living and the dead. My power is even greater than any pharaoh's. They must abide by my laws. At first, I helped my father Ra pull his boat across the sky every day, but then Isis took over for me. I am associated with the ostrich feather I wear or as a bird with a human face. I was created by Shu and Tefnut when they separated the chaos into law and order. It was put into light into dark, and, thus, I was created. The culture associated with me is mainly the Egyptian culture. I am the heart of understanding in this culture. Pharaohs have to honor me, so I am pretty respected. I am very strict in my ways. As I said before, I don't give second chances. I am also what inspires noble ideas, bravery, honor and loyalty, and fighting against evil with courage and virtue. I am the mortal enemy of chaos because of my love for good and honor. My friends are Chardastes, Terra, Paarkum. My enemies, however, are the Entropic Immortals, Korotiku, Eiryndul, and Chaos. The primevil mound is used to symbolize me, but that is used more as my concept than as an actual goddess. Other than that, I am symbolized by and ostrich feather.
XOXO Ma'at

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